Monday, November 4, 2013


The week before last my back was not working. I literately could not move. My husband doesn't go to church very often. Because I couldn't the hubby went with G-man.
As they were walking into the church my son slipped his hand into his daddy's hand, "You always like to be with me, don't you daddy?"
The love between father and son is so beautiful. Gavin mimics his daddy in every opportunity.
This makes mommy very happy.

Friday, October 25, 2013


After a week of ups and downs my son wanders into the guestroom where we keep the computer. I was Pinteresting and had headphones on blasting some Celtic Thunder. I turned away from the computer took off my headphones....
With his arms outstretched he reached for me. "Mommy, do you want a hug that lasts forever?" 
I pull him into my lab and we snuggle. "Yes, I need hugs that last forever."
The best moments come when we least expect them. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Almost made it to year 5 of now trips to the ER.
Gavin is a healthy boy. He has never really been severely sick. He has never really gotten hurt. I have never needed to freak out and go to the ER like I have seen other mothers do.
Today was my day. Today I saw my child in pain. Today I freaked out. I had no answers to the situation my child was in.
Gavin fell + feet off some play equipment on a trip to the playground with Mamama. We headed to the ER where we were told he has a contusion of the spine and pelvis region. Nothing broken.
I just have gained maybe my first gray hair.
We arrived.

Gavin after a ice pop.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


I do not know what images float in my son's dreams. Tonight, they were not the type I want in his sweet mind.
Just before 10 pm Gavin whimpered in his sleep. I heard him from the kitchen. By the time I had finished drying my hands and crossed the hall, he was sitting up in bed crying in terror. The only rescuing I can do is hold him until he has calmed back down. I rocked and whispered happy thoughts to him. He cried on. I kissed him and told him he was safe. He cried on. I held him tight and told him it was all ok. He cried on. So we sat, a son in tears and a mommy powerless against his dream. In my mind this went on for hours. Jeff told me it was mere moments, because by the time he came to the room I was wiping away tears. We took a quick potty break since he was already awake. Crawling back into bed he was smiling again and asking if I could scratch his back.
"Mommy, I am so sorry about this." Gavin whispered.
"There is nothing to be sorry about. I am sorry you had a bad dream." I said.
"I don't like bad dreams."
"Me either. Do you remember what it was about?" I asked
"I was stung by bees and wasps and jellyfish and it was hurting me." he said as he snuggled in closer to me.
"I am sorry you were being hurt in your dream."
"It is ok because I am safe now. I want to have a good dream about playing trains and legos." He spoke into the pillow.
Seconds later he was fast asleep.
Sleep well my baby. I pray no more nightmares haunt your sleep. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Boys are gross.

I was reading. Minding my own business. A thunderstorm raged around our house. My son interrupted my peace with this famous saying, "Mommy, smell my finger!" He ran to me with an outstretched finger.
No I did not. I made him go wash his hands.
Boys are so gross.

Friday, August 23, 2013


So discovered that Gavin no longer likes cooked carrots.
But Marty likes them.....walked by and saw something like snuck back to get photo proof he was sneaking food to Marty.


Gavin is being homeschooled some basic information.
During this morning's lesson I had him working on his name. He was muttering to himself and I listened in, "G for Gavin. A for Ant. V for Valley. I for Cyclops....." I had to stop him. 
"What? Cyclops doesn't start with an i." I asked.
"i's are like cyclops cause they have one dot and it is an eye and the letter is i." then he giggled at his own joke. 
Yep. Proud of my silly son. 

I use marbles and dominos as my math manipulatives.